plus tax
#at Event Last Name First Name Dogs Name # of Vid Package
1 Hammock Linda Luka 5
2 Taylor Valerie A. Xan 5
3 Ellery John Tessa 5
4 Ziesmer Marsie Ruger 5
5 Ellison Sandy Skylar 5
6 Robison Janet Aila 5
7 Watkins Ashley Lula 5
8 Mitchell Myla Gypsy 4 (Gypsy didn’t do the vehicles with the heavy rain)
9 Hill Lindsey Zappa 5
10 Cayo Christine Riley 5
11 Schuneman Julie Hudson 5
12 Pierce Kathy Leona 5
13 Jordan Sharon Icy 5
14 Ahern Douglas Robert 5
15 Affolder Cynthia Joey 5
16 Lavalley Jean Cheer 5
17 D'Amico Vicki Hew 5
18 Williams Brenda Dottie 5
19 Roman Susan Logan 5
20 Nowak Paula Norby 5
21 Schroer Sue Bomber 5
22 Gentry Julie Emma 5
23 Smith Monica Watson 5
24 Sanders Connie Bailey 5
25 Naylor Sharon Finnagain 5
26 Long Pam Atta 5
27 Traylor Jeanne Dixie 5
28 Dellinger Holly Fiona 5
29 Chisholm Louise Floyd 5
30 DeLaune Skip Shawzy 5
31 Motter Kathleen Brogue 5
32 Pierce Kathy Firefly/FEO 5
33 Strickland Cathy Ozzie 5
35 Jackson Melody Lazer 5
34 Hanna Val Tykus 1 (Tykus only did vehicles)
36 Carlton Carolyn Linus Caldwell 5
37 Westmoreland Donna Sweep 5
38 Goodman Carol Storm 5
1 Duff Kim WILL 6
2 Brown Lori Crosby 6
3 Jeffrey Lyn Neesha 5 (Rm 1 had technical issue so no video)
4 Lynch Salena Cait 6
5 Woods Kathryn Grace 6
6 Peacock Amy Bello 6
7 Watkins Ashley Stella 6
8 Clark Stephen Simon 6
9 Ulmer Celia Kimi 6
10 Tabor Suzanne Pixie 6
11 Soffir Rena River 6
12 DeLaune Skip Coco 6
13 Martin Cindy Tahoe 6
14 Broomfield Karen Theo 6
15 Rehrig Brenda Sky 6
16 Casto Sharon Emma 6
17 Conklin Sue Loretta 6
18 Ward Kimberly Zayle 6
19 Schneider Jenny Ernie 6
20 Ramsey Carol Bella 6
21 Stenhouse Judy Bitsy 6
22 Krena Nona Vesla 6
23 Castle Diane Jazz 6
24 Saylor Cindi Papi 6
25 Sanders Linda Cody 6
26 Bailey Lisa Tessa 6
27 Farrey Sandy Nancy 6
28 Castle Diane Soul 6